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Red Flags of Handwriting Difficulties

A pencil grasp that does not match your child's age appropriate grasp or

2 checks total suggest your child may benefit from Handwriting intervention.

Pencil Grasp

Appropriate Age

Developmental Grasp

18 months and younger


2 - 3 years

3 1/2 - 4 years

1/2 years and older

4 point.png

Additional Red Flag Grasps

thumb wrap.png
immature 1.png

Red Flags

Changes their pencil grasp throughout a drawing/writing task

Their hand gets tired during a writing task

Frequently asks to write in marker or pen

Has trouble aligning falling letters (g, j, p, q, y) on the line

Has trouble spacing between words or letters within a word

Forms their letters with bottom-to-top strokes or in segments/parts

Dislikes or avoids writing

Has trouble remembering letters/numbers and how to form them

More then 25% of their writing sits above or below the base line (bottom line)

Has trouble consistently writing letters the right size (short letters stop at the dotted middle line, tall letters stop at the top line)

Not using an age appropriate pencil grasp

Changes their writing hand within a task 

Does not have a solid hand dominance by age 5

Their writing is difficult to read

Anchor 1

Uses light or dark pencil pressure to write

Writes some letters or numbers backwards (reversals)

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