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Red Flags of Fine Motor Difficulties
2 checks between your child's age range and the range before their current age
suggest your child may benefit from Fine Motor intervention.
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6-12 months
Is not able to use the thumb and one finger to pick something up
Does not transfer objects from one hand to the other
Is not able to use the index finger to poke something
Is not able to scribble with a crayon
1-2 years
Has difficulty turning pages of a cardboard book
Is unable to turn a knob
Is not independently holding and drinking from an open-lid cup
Is not able to spoon food into mouth
Is not able to build a 6-cube tower by 23 months
Anchor 1
Is not able to consistently imitate circular and vertical scribbles by 20 months
Anchor 4
Anchor 2
Anchor 5
3-4 years
Cannot build a tower of 9 small blocks
Has difficulty imitating a cross shape and copying a circle
Does not often use the non dominant hand to assist and stabilize objects
Is not able to screw and unscrew a nut and bolt
4-5 years
Is unable to draw a person with 3-parts by 4 years old and 6 parts by 5 years old
Cannot write numbers 1-10 with correct sequence and orientation
Does not have an established dominant hand by 5 years old
Has difficulty cutting on a straight line
Has difficulty writing their name and copying letters
Cannot draw within vertical and horizontal pathways
Anchor 3
Anchor 6
5-6 years
Is unable to tie a knot
Shows inconsistent hand dominance
Has difficulty drawing a triangle and square
Cannot draw a basic picture or color in the lines
Does not use a 3-fingered grasp on the pencil with fingers generating movement of the pencil
Cannot consistently show their right hand
6 years and older
Does not form all letters and numbers correctly (not writing with top-to-bottom strokes)
Does not write consistently on the lines
Their hand gets tired when writing or coloring
Cannot tie their shoes independently
Tries to avoid drawing, writing, cutting, or coloring
Immature/awkward grasp on pencil or scissors
Drops things easily
Writing pressure it too heavy or too light
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